Fitness Isn't The Endgame.
Longevity Is.

Fitness Isn't the Endgame.
Longevity Is.

SANCTAVÍA has trained:

Members of Tier 1 U.S. Special Forces Units, Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp, U.S. Air Marshals, Film, TV, Broadway, & Metropolitan Opera Stars, Grammy Award Winners, Tony Award Winners, NFL players, Division 1 Athletes, & Executive Teams of Fortune 500 Organizations.

Our Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee:
We want this to be the easiest decision you've ever made.
If after you receive the 10 hours of world class training, over 6 days,
you didn't feel the training was right for problem.
We will send you a full refund, and all of the training will have been free.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Our Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee:
We want this to be the easiest decision you've ever made.
If after you receive the 10 hours of world class training, over 6 days,
you didn't feel the training was right for problem.
We will send you a full refund, and all of the training will have been free.
​You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.





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“Is there a risk free guarantee?”

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“Can you explain Sanctavía to me extremely quickly & simply?”

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Imagine if you could have:

  • The Grip of a Rock Climber
  • ​The Lower Body of a Dancer
  • The Core & Tendon Strength of a Gymnast
  • ​The Power Generation of a Martial Artist
  • ​The Breath & Lungs of an Opera Singer
  • ​The Muscle-Building Knowledge of a Body Builder
  • ​The Mental Calm of a Monk
  • ​The Spirit of a Warrior
  • ​The Peace of Mind of Knowing EXACTLY how to train for the rest of your life
  • ​The Knowledge of a Sanctavía Master: To Age as Powerfully as you Possibly Can

Click Below To Activate HIGH DEFINITION

Imagine if you could have:

  • The Grip of a Rock Climber
  • ​The Lower Body of a Dancer
  • The Core & Tendon Strength of a Gymnast
  • ​The Power Generation of a Martial Artist
  • ​The Breath & Lungs of an Opera Singer
  • ​The Muscle-Building Knowledge of a Body Builder
  • ​The Mental Calm of a Monk
  • ​The Spirit of a Warrior
  • ​The Peace of Mind of Knowing EXACTLY how to train for the rest of your life
  • ​The Knowledge of a Sanctavía Master: To Age as Powerfully as you Possibly Can


The Broadway Star who became
a Sanctavía Master.


The Artist & Athlete who learned more in a 7 months than he had in a lifetime.


The MET Opera singer who found a connection between brain & body that changed his life.


The Martial Artist who finally understood the “Why” behind the “What” more than ever before.


The 60+ Year-Old Father of 2 who fell in love with Longevity training.


The Professional Acrobat who found her best self by mastering her mind.


The Psychoanalyst who felt healing through a deeper connection between mind and body.


The Artist who found that she was stronger, and capable of more, than she’d ever known.


The Broadway Star who found such strength and balance that he can face any challenge.


The Martial Arts Master who was stunned by the depth & breadth of the knowledge he learned.


The Financial Professional who went from skeptical to passionate Sanctavía Practitioner.


The Lawyer, & retired U.S. Navy Officer, who got rid of his back pain before his wedding.


The Financial Professional who felt prepared for anything due to Sanctavía.


The Broadway Actor who’d been intimidated by other training, but felt empowered by Sanctavía.


The 20-Year Spec Ops Veteran who finally found Longevity in his training through Sanctavía.


The Psychologist & Martial Arts Instructor who had a wake-up call that changed his life.


The Broadway Star who loved integrating Performance Psychology, Philosophy, Training.


The Tony & Grammy winning Producer who learned tools that enriched his entire life.


The Broadway Star who learned to develop Base so that she would never be thrown off.


The Hollywood Screenwriter who had success training from home & using his bodyweight.


The Symphony Violinist who has now practiced Sanctavía 6 days a week for 4 years.


The Composer who went from gym-overwhelm to Sanctavían success story via education.


The Practitioner who, for the first time, felt confident that she could succeed at training.


The Broadway Star who became
a Sanctavía Master.


The Artist & Athlete who learned more in 7 months
than he had in a lifetime.


The MET Opera singer who found a connection between brain & body that changed his life.


The Martial Artist who finally understood the “Why” behind the “What” more than ever before.


The 60+ Year-Old Father of 2 who fell in love with Longevity training.


The Professional Acrobat who found her best self by mastering her mind.


The Psychoanalyst who felt healing through a deeper connection between mind and body.


The Artist who found that she was stronger, and capable of more, than she’d ever known.


The Broadway Star who found such strength and balance that he can face any challenge.


The Martial Arts Master who was stunned by the depth & breadth of the knowledge he learned.


The Financial Professional who went from skeptical to passionate Sanctavía Practitioner.


The Lawyer, & retired U.S. Navy Officer, who got rid of his back pain before his wedding.


The Financial Professional who felt prepared for anything due to Sanctavía.


The Broadway Actor who’d been intimidated by other training, but felt empowered by Sanctavía.


The 20-Year Spec Ops Veteran who finally found Longevity in his training through Sanctavía.


The Psychologist & Martial Arts Instructor who had a wake-up call that changed his life.


The Broadway Star who loved integrating Performance Psychology, Philosophy, Training.


The Tony & Grammy winning Producer who learned tools that enriched his entire life.


The Broadway Star who learned to develop Base so that she would never be thrown off.


The Hollywood Screenwriter who had success training from home & using his bodyweight.


The Symphony Violinist who has now practiced Sanctavía 6 days a week for 4 years.


The Composer who went from gym-overwhelm to Sanctavían success story via education.


The Practitioner who, for the first time, felt confident that she could succeed at training.

Sanctavía changed my life. I feel like a superhero. And that's the truth. I really feel great. I have been very brain-dominant in my life & Sanctavía really connects the Brain and Body. I think it is something that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life! And certainly something I'll do for the rest of my life.
A huge gift.

- Byron Singleton (Metropolitan Opera Singer, Professor of Voice, Martial Artist, Married for 17 yrs)

I loved the holistic aspect of it. Not only was I tapping into parts of muscles that I've never used or trained before - but I love that J.J. talked about the theory, the intentions, the purpose of each movement. It truly felt like, dare I say it, Zen training.
I love it.

-Angel Pai (Actress, Jewelry Designer, Martial Artist, Humanitarian)

Sanctavía has really upgraded all my self-care. My favorite part is understanding the wrappings of the joints and how to move in a way that protects them. It organizes the body really well and allows me to do everything in my life easily and ergonomically. It is extremely easy to get into and provides a foundation for you for the rest of your Life.
So, I really recommend it to everyone!

-Gerrit Thurston (Financial Professional)

Sanctavía absolutely changed my life. It made me think of my body, and how I use it, in a completely different way. I feel like Sanctavía has really enriched me with tools that are going to make my experience in my everyday life more enhanced!
A Game Changer.

-Jonathan Demar (Tony Award winning Broadway Producer)

Sanctavía, for me, was about finding my best self! About being the best version of Carolina I can be. I feel like I have more control over my mind, nervous system, and body. So, I definitely feel more Powerful and Body Confident...which is something really amazing.

-Carolina Saverin (Acrobat, Singer, Performing Artist)

In my career I've had the opportunity to train with a lot of the greats. But, it wasn't until I started training with J.J. that I started being able to adapt mental discipline and Longevity into my physical discipline. I'm super excited to get to learn from J.J. again because everything he puts out helps me to become a better fighter and, more importantly, a better trainer of those that are defending our country. 

-Sean O'Dowd (20-year veteran of US Army Special Operations, Founder of The Combat University)

I like to work out but this training has been much more targeting of my problem areas! Some things that I want to work on (and also things that I don't want to work on!) have really gotten better. I came to Sanctavía through my husband; and I really appreciate Sanctavía. Thank you so much for having me in this Sanctavía family!

-Jennie Axelson (Symphony Violinist)

Sanctavía has been such a wonderful journey.
It brought this belief in myself that I can do more, that I can go further, that I can be stronger than what I think. That I can go the Hercules!
I'm so grateful and I love you all.
Long Life to Sanctavía!

-Melissa Mattos (Multi-Disciplinary Artist)

It is a great program and I think anyone could benefit from it. I used to struggle with a lot of back pain, and nearly all of it is gone. My movement ability, and upper body strength, have improved tremendously. They are constantly improving their curriculum for the benefit of their clients. For me, it's been a great experience and I'd recommend it to anyone.

-George Fleming (Lawyer, Retired Officer US Navy)

I love training with my own bodyweight from my home and I've seen real results. I'm a big fan of Sanctavía, have recommended it to many of my friends, and  I recommend it to you too!

-Jim Jennewein (Screenwriter of The Flintstones movie. Professor of Writing.)

I cannot recommend joining Sanctavía enough. J.J. has proven himself to be very knowledgeable in the things that he talks about. It's very clear listening to him that he has spent years honing his craft, mastering his craft, and is now bringing his knowledge and expertise to the people.
So, sincerely, I'd say join Sanctavía, experience the training for yourself.
You won't regret it.

-Dan Marino (Composer)

When you're going from an eight-show-a-week schedule to absolutely nothing, I was totally game to work out with a group from the comfort of my home. But it sort of became more than just a "group workout." It was sort of a philosophy. Where you take into account what you put into your body - mentally and physically, food and also thought, performance psychology, and connecting mind and spirit. J.J. is an incredible teacher.
& I think that Sanctavía is an incredible program!

-Syndee Winters (Broadway Star of The Lion King & Hamilton)

Sanctavía has given me a tool-kit that I never had at my disposal before. It really inspires me every day to get up and start my day with a focus on Me, and a focus on my well-being, both inside and out. I've learned more in Sanctavía than I ever did in the 8+ years of going to "gyms" by myself, and in my entire Life of being active. It has completely transformed how I look at everything in this world. And, it is one of the most thorough, fulfilling practices I have ever been a part of. I can't wait for the Journey to continue!

- Danny Ray Caraballo (Artist, Actor, Musician)

I'm just a guy a little over 60. And, I have to say, I love Sanctavía's focus on Longevity. On endurance. On slow and steady wins the course! Sanctavía is really about becoming reacquainted with your body. Moving  well, being on the floor, these are all things that were many years ago for me. But, hey, they are essential life-skills to avoid falling as we get older. The day I held my breath for nearly 2 minutes, I don't know how I did it, but it was amazing! So, there's a dose of Zen thrown in there too. So, I have to say...
I love Sanctavía.
There you have it - my resounding endorsement of Sanctavía! Give it a try!

- Patrick Gonon (Father of 2, Married for 35 years)

Brilliant material beautifully presented! Feels like playing chess for the first time, after a lifetime of checkers.

- Joe Caruncho (CEO at Genuine Health Group. Founder of Preferred Care Partners)

I have health issues that, some days, make it hard for me, physically, to get out of bed. Most "fitness programs" feel like you need to already be in amazing shape to "begin". Sanctavía is not like that at all because it's based on levels. As J.J. says...we are "like a Tortoise, moving at our own speed". So, if you can't do a move at Level 3, it's no problem because there is a Level 2 and a Level 1 for you. This gave me the courage to finally move forward. I just felt really at home. It made me feel empowered!
I love it.

- Kayla Weins (Sanctavía Practitioner)

Sanctavía! Sanctavía! Sanc-ta-vía.
It is a life-long journey towards a balance that is so deeply rooted...that getting caught off guard will be the best part of your day because you finally get to use your training. Everything from an emotional crisis to slipping on an ice cube - the training applies.

This man, J.J., has spent the majority of his life dedicated to bringing this situation to life, and bringing this system to the masses, so that you can be a part of it.
It's worth every minute...every penny.
Take your time... and love yourself for the rest of your Life!

-Major Attaway (Broadway Star of Aladdin and Little Shop of Horrors)

Sanctavía is absolutely on the cutting-edge. It housed a lot of different things that I was interested in, like Body Mechanics and Body Weight Training, and other things that I'd been interested in for some time, like Breath-work, Meditation, and Performance Psychology, but hadn't studied before. Right at the beginning I realized that Sanctavía was something special. I was just stunned at how much research and information was put into this program. You could just see the labor of love that's been put into this. It's clearly a lifetime of work done by J.J. and I just cannot possibly commend that enough.
 I am honored to be a student of this practice, and I intend to continue doing it for as long as I possibly can.

-Jarrad Arbuckle (Martial Arts Coach & Personal Protection Expert)

Sanctavía was such a wonderful experience for me. It made me feel strong, like a superhero... but, my favorite part of it was the performance psychology, and the philosophy that is embedded within the practice. Getting the tools to work on all these different aspects of myself was illuminating and so helpful in my day to day. 
I think if you get the chance to study at Sanctavía, you'll be so glad that you did!

-Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer (Broadway Star of 𝘏𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘯, 𝘐𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴, and 𝘔𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘯 𝘙𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘦. Television Star of 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘥)

All the days of Sanctavía serve to strengthen my body. Since I began the practice, I've definitely felt stronger, more powerful and more balanced than I ever have in the past. Not only has Sanctavía positively affected my physical presence in how I carry myself...but it has helped to ground me every day. Giving me lessons in focus, setting intention, memory, and discipline every morning. I want to thank Sanctavía for helping me feel more powerful and balanced in my day to day life! I get the sense that I am fully in control of my entire body!
I plan to continue the practice for as long as I can!
And I highly recommend it to anyone.

-Adam Gonon (Co-Founder of Gentlemen's Creative)

Honestly I can say it changed my life...because it did the most important thing, and the thing that is probably most neglected - it opened my eyes!
Before Sanctavía I had spent many years lifting heavy weights and my joints were all destroyed. Sanctavía helped me to understand training for Longevity. Now I have more strength than ever, but I have the Longevity as well. J.J. is such a source of knowledge. I couldn't be more grateful than what I am right now for Sanctavía.
It's a Life Changer! Jump in!

-Irving Campos Lugo (Psychologist, Martial Arts Instructor)

Sanctavía changed my life. I feel like a superhero. And that's the truth. I really feel great. I have been very brain-dominant in my life & Sanctavía really connects the Brain and Body. I think it is something that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life! And certainly something I'll do for the rest of my life.
A huge gift.

- Byron Singleton (Metropolitan Opera Singer, Professor of Voice, Martial Artist, Married for 17 yrs)

I loved the holistic aspect of it. Not only was I tapping into parts of muscles that I've never used or trained before - but I love that J.J. talked about the theory, the intentions, the purpose of each movement. It truly felt like, dare I say it, Zen training.
I love it.

-Angel Pai (Actress, Jewelry Designer, Martial Artist, Humanitarian)

Sanctavía has really upgraded all my self-care. My favorite part is understanding the wrappings of the joints and how to move in a way that protects them. It organizes the body really well and allows me to do everything in my life easily and ergonomically. It is extremely easy to get into and provides a foundation for you for the rest of your Life.
So, I really recommend it to everyone!

-Gerrit Thurston (Financial Professional)

Sanctavía absolutely changed my life. It made me think of my body, and how I use it, in a completely different way. I feel like Sanctavía has really enriched me with tools that are going to make my experience in my everyday life more enhanced!
A Game Changer.

-Jonathan Demar (Tony Award winning Broadway Producer)

Sanctavía, for me, was about finding my best self! About being the best version of Carolina I can be. I feel like I have more control over my mind, nervous system, and body. So, I definitely feel more Powerful and Body Confident...which is something really amazing.

-Carolina Saverin (Acrobat, Singer, Performing Artist)

In my career I've had the opportunity to train with a lot of the greats. But, it wasn't until I started training with J.J. that I started being able to adapt mental discipline and Longevity into my physical discipline. I'm super excited to get to learn from J.J. again because everything he puts out helps me to become a better fighter and, more importantly, a better trainer of those that are defending our country. 

-Sean O'Dowd (20-year veteran of US Army Special Operations, Founder of The Combat University)

I like to work out but this training has been much more targeting of my problem areas! Some things that I want to work on (and also things that I don't want to work on!) have really gotten better. I came to Sanctavía through my husband; and I really appreciate Sanctavía. Thank you so much for having me in this Sanctavía family!

-Jennie Axelson (Symphony Violinist)

Sanctavía has been such a wonderful journey.
It brought this belief in myself that I can do more, that I can go further, that I can be stronger than what I think. That I can go the Hercules!
I'm so grateful and I love you all.
Long Life to Sanctavía!

-Melissa Mattos (Multi-Disciplinary Artist)

It is a great program and I think anyone could benefit from it. I used to struggle with a lot of back pain, and nearly all of it is gone. My movement ability, and upper body strength, have improved tremendously. They are constantly improving their curriculum for the benefit of their clients. For me, it's been a great experience and I'd recommend it to anyone.

-George Fleming (Lawyer, Retired Officer US Navy)

I love training with my own bodyweight from my home and I've seen real results. I'm a big fan of Sanctavía, have recommended it to many of my friends, and  I recommend it to you too!

-Jim Jennewein (Screenwriter of The Flintstones movie. Professor of Writing.)

I cannot recommend joining Sanctavía enough. J.J. has proven himself to be very knowledgeable in the things that he talks about. It's very clear listening to him that he has spent years honing his craft, mastering his craft, and is now bringing his knowledge and expertise to the people.
So, sincerely, I'd say join Sanctavía, experience the training for yourself.
You won't regret it.

-Dan Marino (Composer)

When you're going from an eight-show-a-week schedule to absolutely nothing, I was totally game to work out with a group from the comfort of my home. But it sort of became more than just a "group workout." It was sort of a philosophy. Where you take into account what you put into your body - mentally and physically, food and also thought, performance psychology, and connecting mind and spirit. J.J. is an incredible teacher.
& I think that Sanctavía is an incredible program!

-Syndee Winters (Broadway Star of The Lion King & Hamilton)

Sanctavía has given me a tool-kit that I never had at my disposal before. It really inspires me every day to get up and start my day with a focus on Me, and a focus on my well-being, both inside and out. I've learned more in Sanctavía than I ever did in the 8+ years of going to "gyms" by myself, and in my entire Life of being active. It has completely transformed how I look at everything in this world. And, it is one of the most thorough, fulfilling practices I have ever been a part of. I can't wait for the Journey to continue!

- Danny Ray Caraballo (Artist, Actor, Musician)

I'm just a guy a little over 60. And, I have to say, I love Sanctavía's focus on Longevity. On endurance. On slow and steady wins the course! Sanctavía is really about becoming reacquainted with your body. Moving  well, being on the floor, these are all things that were many years ago for me. But, hey, they are essential life-skills to avoid falling as we get older. The day I held my breath for nearly 2 minutes, I don't know how I did it, but it was amazing! So, there's a dose of Zen thrown in there too. So, I have to say...
I love Sanctavía.
There you have it - my resounding endorsement of Sanctavía! Give it a try!

- Patrick Gonon (Father of 2, Married for 35 years)

Brilliant material beautifully presented! Feels like playing chess for the first time, after a lifetime of checkers.

- Joe Caruncho (CEO at Genuine Health Group. Founder of Preferred Care Partners)

I have health issues that, some days, make it hard for me, physically, to get out of bed. Most "fitness programs" feel like you need to already be in amazing shape to "begin". Sanctavía is not like that at all because it's based on levels. As J.J. says...we are "like a Tortoise, moving at our own speed". So, if you can't do a move at Level 3, it's no problem because there is a Level 2 and a Level 1 for you. This gave me the courage to finally move forward. I just felt really at home. It made me feel empowered!
I love it.

- Kayla Weins (Sanctavía Practitioner)

Sanctavía! Sanctavía! Sanc-ta-vía.
It is a life-long journey towards a balance that is so deeply rooted...that getting caught off guard will be the best part of your day because you finally get to use your training. Everything from an emotional crisis to slipping on an ice cube - the training applies.

This man, J.J., has spent the majority of his life dedicated to bringing this situation to life, and bringing this system to the masses, so that you can be a part of it.
It's worth every minute...every penny.
Take your time... and love yourself for the rest of your Life!

-Major Attaway (Broadway Star of Aladdin and Little Shop of Horrors)

Sanctavía is absolutely on the cutting-edge. It housed a lot of different things that I was interested in, like Body Mechanics and Body Weight Training, and other things that I'd been interested in for some time, like Breath-work, Meditation, and Performance Psychology, but hadn't studied before. Right at the beginning I realized that Sanctavía was something special. I was just stunned at how much research and information was put into this program. You could just see the labor of love that's been put into this. It's clearly a lifetime of work done by J.J. and I just cannot possibly commend that enough.
 I am honored to be a student of this practice, and I intend to continue doing it for as long as I possibly can.

-Jarrad Arbuckle (Martial Arts Coach & Personal Protection Expert)

Sanctavía was such a wonderful experience for me. It made me feel strong, like a superhero... but, my favorite part of it was the performance psychology, and the philosophy that is embedded within the practice. Getting the tools to work on all these different aspects of myself was illuminating and so helpful in my day to day. 
I think if you get the chance to study at Sanctavía, you'll be so glad that you did!

-Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer (Broadway Star of 𝘏𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘸𝘯, 𝘐𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴, and 𝘔𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘯 𝘙𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘦. Television Star of 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘉𝘢𝘯𝘥)

All the days of Sanctavía serve to strengthen my body. Since I began the practice, I've definitely felt stronger, more powerful and more balanced than I ever have in the past. Not only has Sanctavía positively affected my physical presence in how I carry myself...but it has helped to ground me every day. Giving me lessons in focus, setting intention, memory, and discipline every morning. I want to thank Sanctavía for helping me feel more powerful and balanced in my day to day life! I get the sense that I am fully in control of my entire body!
I plan to continue the practice for as long as I can!
And I highly recommend it to anyone.

-Adam Gonon (Co-Founder of Gentlemen's Creative)

Honestly I can say it changed my life...because it did the most important thing, and the thing that is probably most neglected - it opened my eyes!
Before Sanctavía I had spent many years lifting heavy weights and my joints were all destroyed. Sanctavía helped me to understand training for Longevity. Now I have more strength than ever, but I have the Longevity as well. J.J. is such a source of knowledge. I couldn't be more grateful than what I am right now for Sanctavía.
It's a Life Changer! Jump in!

-Irving Campos Lugo (Psychologist, Martial Arts Instructor)

For the Adventure of Your Lifetime

SANCTAVÍA ® 2024. All Rights Reserved

For the Adventure of Your Lifetime

SANCTAVÍA ® 2024. All Rights Reserved